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  • broockeross


Updated: Apr 22, 2020

In truth, I’ve never met anyone else that can do all that I do. I can see visual depictions of manifestations in the energy field, I can remove energetic blockages, I can see DNA activity within specific cells, I can feel the emotions of the client, I can bring forward traits from past lives, and I can expel all that is keeping the person from fully being in alignment with who they truly are.

Here are some examples of what can occur during a session:

I once saw a representation of past trauma by seeing a rope around someone’s neck, a visual manifestation of not speaking her truth about what had happened to her, and by removing it and clearing the energy, freed her of M.E

A toddler with facial spasms, I could feel she had too much electricity surging through her, like a raw nervous system, once the energy was grounded the spasms stopped. The tests they had conducted by doctors, confirmed what I saw, as being a premature baby, her nervous system wasn’t fully developed and resulted in such facial spasms. To be clear, she never had another after our session.

With each client, my abilities seem to be growing, developing specifically for each person’s needs it seems. Most recently, a re-coding of their essential make-up was necessary to help them evolve beyond their toxic emotional traits. It appeared like code along the spine, and old worn out codes were replaced with new ones. They were then able to let go of behaviours they had held on to for 50 years!

Even sessions that are heavily talking based to help a client work through their emotions, I can tap into their subconscious self, and channel their deepest emotions back to them in an enlightening way that illuminates issues they had not recognised before. This type of recognition for the client is incredibly healing all in itself.

I joke that what I do is like reiki on cocaine, but it’s evolved beyond that. I don’t even have to be in the same COUNTRY as the person I am working on! The methods I use are forever expanding and growing, and I’m amazed at what can be done! This is helping people to realise that they don’t have to live in suffering, that they can evolve past any physical or emotional pain, and that they are inherently meant to be happy.

Every time I think about how much better off someone is because of the work, I get so emotional. And I am so thankful to my mother as always, who nurtured this part of me since I started seeing “lights” at the age of 3.

“Catch them mummy catch them!” I shouted as I jumped on my bed, trying to catch something she could not see. “They’re pink mummy they’re pink!”

“What are pink Broocke?”

“The lights! The lights!” And instead of telling me I was wrong, she supported and nurtured this part of me, allowing my intuition and psychic abilities to flourish, and now I can help as many people as possible to recover and heal.

Thank you always Mama x

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