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  • broockeross


There are many tools that can be used in metaphysical practice to raise vibration and clear energy. Crystals, herbs, essential oils, massage, specific vitamins and supplements, all that benefit us in different ways, but this isn't always the case when applied to pregnancy. Did you know you can't be burning sage anymore? It is so important to be clear on which of these tools are still beneficial and safe to use during pregnancy.


You have to be so, so careful using essential oils during pregnancy. DO NOT use sage whatsoever unless you are wanting to bring on labour, as this will encourage uterine contractions. The oils that you can use, should still be diluted before use. Lavender is safe to use, and helps in aiding sleep, soothing anxiety, and remaining in a calm state of mind.

If you’re ever not sure if it is safe to use, please, look it up! Essential oils are powerful, and you need to take extra care of your body and your baby.


Again, stay the fuck away from sage! There are a surprising list of herbs that I didn’t know I couldn’t have once I became pregnant. One of which is parsley. Do not add this to your smoothies or salads, as this was once a herb used to cause abortion and to start menstrual flow. Another which I have stayed away from, and would recommend to avoid is coriander. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking coriander if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Use your intuition, if there isn’t enough information to say that it is safe, then it’s best to just avoid it.


I read in a pregnancy book recently that recommended reflexology as a way to de-stress, WHAT THE FUCK! DO NOT have reflexology during pregnancy! This is really dangerous! It can bring on miscarriages! Reflexology works on opening chakras up, and you do not want that chakra opening while you’re pregnant, you want it to stay safe and closed.

There is also a particular shiatsu massage point in the shoulder, that opens and releases your base – again, you don’t want this opening up early!

You will ache a lot throughout pregnancy, and you will want soothing, so you can ask your partner to do soft touch massage, and rubbing across the back of the hips also feels FANTASTIC when you feel like you’ve been especially expanding. An easy way to ease your muscles is to simply take a bath. I fucking love baths now.


You might have taken a lot of vitamins and supplements to get you to the point of being pregnant, but you really need to take care from now on. High doses of vitamin C are dangerous, as this has been used in high doses to bring on menstrual flow. The simplest way to get a safe dose of your vitamins is to have a healthy diet, and to use midwife approved multi-vitamins. Take these multi-vitamins daily, and get out in that sunshine to boost your dose of vitamin D!


I have found Amethyst, Malachite, Moonstone and Shungite super balancing and super soothing to wear during pregnancy. The wearing of crystals to feel balanced is perfectly safe and fine, where it becomes a little bit different is in the use of crystals in terms of wand points. Crystals in copper and focused into points become a lot stronger, and this can be too intense and powerful when you’re dealing with a foetus.

If you don’t know, or you’re not sure, check first! What was once safe and fine for your body, is a completely different deal when you’re growing a human inside of it! This is not an exhaustive list of everything you can and can’t use, but a guide to steering your choices and using your questioning mind at all times when it comes to you and your baby.

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